Supportive Care
Tassia children are in need of robust support systems as they navigate slum life and pursue education with Beyond the Vision Community School. Many BVCS students struggle with mental health, abuse, suicide ideation, and lack of spiritual grounding. BVCS provides support systems to address these needs.
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Hakeem's Space
"I will offer my mentoring services to my peers and fellow program participants to show my appreciation for the impact the Organization has had on my life."
Edwin Muchoki (pictured), former BVCS student and 2022 high school graduate. Click to learn more about Edwin.
Beyond the Vision Initiative developed a robust Christian Counseling and Mental Health Awareness Program called "Hakeem's Space." This program aims to provide a safe space, raise awareness about mental health, and advocate for victims of violence. Hakeem's Space was piloted at Beyond the Vision Community School and has grown to other community schools. It currently serves 5 schools and has been asked to serve 5 more. There is discussion of adapting the program into Kenyan curriculum.
Hakeem's Space follows a curriculum developed by mental health professionals. The program includes mentorship sessions, peer support groups, psychosocial counseling services, and victim advocacy services for children and families. Victim advocacy services include prosecution of offenders on behalf of victims.
The Hakeem's Space Program focuses on teaching children about their rights and how to self-advocate and get help. Part of this curriculum includes teaching children how to speak up about mental health issues or abuse and how to access services to report violence that they witness or experience. The program also includes educating children about their legal rights and affirming their dignity and worth.
Preliminary data is suggesting that the Hakeem's Space program is successful in helping children to regulate their emotions, self-advocate, and reduce suicidal ideation, drug-related behavior, and bullying behavior.

Beyond the Vision Initiative received a 2022 Non-Profit Organization Award from Acquisition International because of the success of Hakeem's Space.
Hakeem's Space mentorship sessions teach about mental health, substance abuse, breaking the cycle of violence, suicide prevention, creating meaningful change, resisting gang life, and more.

On the left, a reformed gang member mentors BVCS students about resisting the pressure to join gangs.
Mentorship sessions pair children with their peers to encourage connection, confidentiality, and mutual growth and understanding.

Hakeem's Space includes mentorship sessions for the parents of students to promote broader change within the community.
Hakeem's Space is catered to slum communities and the material is relevant to their lives and struggles. The curriculum uses colloquial language to ensure that the participants understand the material.

Hakeem's Space connects BVCS students with police and gender and community officers to empower them with legal tools to self-advocate and report instances of violence or abuse.
The Hakeem's Space program provides psychosocial counseling and victim advocacy services for children and families who are victims of violence in Tassia and the surrounding slums.
Beyond the Vision Community School deploys this program to protect and support BVCS students. BVCS teachers are trained to recognize symptoms of abuse and to offer support for the child and report their suspicions.
BVCS provides a counselor so that children can share their stories with a confidential, trained, and supportive source who can administer mental health care services.
BVCS employs a social worker to offer support for victims and prosecute abusers. BVCS has already successfully prosecuted some abusers as a result of the Hakeem's Space Program.

Local shelters are closing due to lack of support so BVCS has been unsuccessful in placing victims in shelters to remove them from dangerous situations. One of our major goals is to build a shelter to provide a safe space for victims of violence at our school and in the broader Tassia Community. We want to provide a safe environment for victims to heal and receive support while BVCS prosecutes their abusers.

Hygiene & Etiquette
BVCS students wait in line outside of the secure restroom facilities generously donated by
Students rarely have access to sanity facilities outside of the school.

BVCS teaches students hygiene and etiquette to combat their upbringing in the slum and allow them to fit into any social situation.
Hygiene training teaches children how to use a sanitary toilet facility, safely handle drinking water, and how to use a hand washing station. Hygiene training also teaches about female hygiene and provides female hygiene products.
Etiquette training dissolves slum culture by teaching the basic rules of etiquette, such as not fighting over food, saying "thank you," "sorry," and "please," and not fighting with other children.
Hygiene and etiquette training helps the children break the chains of poverty to fit into any social situation.

Community Outreach
BVCS Ambassador Program Members serving the community by cleaning the Jeho Orphanage.
BVCS Ambassadors also serve as Teacher's Assistants and Mentors at BVCS.
BVCS graduates who receive scholarships to attend secondary school are inducted into an ambassador program. Part of the ambassador program requires community service to help the needy and foster connection with community.

Spiritual Services
A Kenyan pastor blesses the students just prior to the National Exams.
BVCS is a Christian organization and offers additional spiritual services to bolster the religious curriculum of Kenya.
BVCS integrates weekly themes based on Biblical lessons. These weekly themes include bravery, courage, faith, and hope.
Students are expected to master two Bible verses per week.

Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:23