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2021 Review

John Skoog

Updated: Jul 26, 2023

In 2021, Jackie and the School continued to support the slum with water and food.

A 2 month supply of food was handed out to over 3000 families during COVID. Beyond Vision Foundation provided funding for water and drinking and hand washing stations are still being provided for the Tassia Community.

Currently the school is feeding 260 children with 2 meals a day. The school has 11 teachers and 3 administrative positions.

We have been given funds to purchase a new updated curriculum of books for teaching the children which the teachers are doing well with.

Jackie and the teachers have been providing Hakeem's Space: a mentorship program for the youth which helps them deal with emotional issues and mental health.

Currently we are in the process of meeting with the owner of the school property and negotiating to purchase it and Jackie will be meeting with him in December if all goes as planned.

Thank you to all who have so graciously given to our land fund. I believe we may have enough money in it to purchase this land. We will, however, still need to fund legal counsel to make sure we get everything legally verified so that the school property will be held in trust by Jackie's Non-profit, Beyond the Vision Initiative.

We have had the school toilets rebuilt. They have been replaced completely with new style toilets that are emptied every day and the waste is hauled away to be used as a fertilizer so this saves the area from having all the excess waste from being in the cesspool behind the school. The rebuilt toilets were funded by a Kenyan donor and we are extremely thankful for her provision.

Little by little the school is being improved as the community is taking pride in the school and offering their skills to help fix it up.

This year has been a record year for graduates from the school and we have 23 students who we provided scholarships for. This will enable them to get out of the slum and into public school. The current average cost is 500.00 to 800.00 per youth and this purchases their bedding, clothing, food, and all their text books and material needs for the year. These students actually get out of the slum and stay at a public boarding school.



© 2025 by Beyond Vision Foundation

Beyond Vision Foundation (BVF) is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We partner with Beyond the Vision Initiative (BVI) and Beyond the Vision Community School (BVCS) to feed, educate, and provide scholarships for impoverished children in the Tassia Slum of Nairobi, Kenya.

"‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’"

Matthew 25:40

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