Food and money are scarce in the slum and Tassia children are often underfed and malnourished. Tassia families combat hunger by requiring that their children work to earn money, and in some cases, children themselves are sold to provide money to feed the family. Beyond the Vision provides meals to prevent children from being exploited for labor or sold into slavery and to address nutrient deficiencies and combat malnutrition.

But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. Luke 10:33
Malnourishment and starvation are realities in Tassia. Beyond Vision combats hunger by feeding BVCS students.
BVCS meals prevent children from being exploited for labor and motivates the parents to allow them to attend school. In many cases, the families of BVCS students cannot afford to feed them so Tassia children often work to earn food for themselves and their families.

Younger children are at particular risk of malnourishment. The impacts of early childhood malnutrition are severe, so BVCS provides special dietary supplementation for malnourished children, especially children under the age of 6.
The BVCS feeding program supports development and learning. Hungry and malnourished children struggle to stay awake and struggle to learn.

BVCS feeds two simple and nutritious meals per day. Food is prepared and served fresh daily. The food is sourced locally whenever possible so that provision from donors stimulates the Kenyan economy.