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Understanding the Need

Beyond Vision Foundation (BVF) is the main supporter of Beyond the Vision Initiative (BVI) and the programs that are provided through Beyond the Vision Community School (BVCS). Beyond Vision Foundation provides funding for education, supportive care, and nourishment for the children of the Tassia slum. Children are the future of the Tassia community and they hold the answer to changing the slum environment for the better. In providing for their needs, we help break the chains of poverty, and create sustainable social change for Tassia.

The Tassia slum is built upon an old landfill. There is no electricity, running water, or waste management system. Raw sewage runs down the middle of the streets, children rummage for scraps to sell from among the piles of garbage, and gang members perch on the corners. Food is scarce and starvation is common.


The children of the slum bear the burden of horrific violence. They are abused, raped, sold, and subjected to any number of other atrocities. Mental illness, child pregnancy, suicide, and drug use are every day realities. Tassia children are trapped in a vicious, multi-generational cycles of violence. These children have little experience with modern amenities or hygienic behavior and they carry the scars of abuse. They are unable to escape the slum because they are unwelcome outside of the slum. They are chained by poverty.

Raw sewage runs down the middle of the streets.

Beyond Vision Foundation funds education, supportive care, and nourishment for students and graduates of Beyond the Vision Community School


BVCS prepares students for the National Entrance Exams for secondary school. BVCS employs qualified teachers and the curriculum meets the standards for Kenyan primary school education.


BVCS provides mentoring,

mental health care services and victim advocacy services. BVCS teaches hygiene and etiquette. Mentorship allows BVCS students to fit into any social situation.


BVCS provides two free meals a day. Malnourished children receive special food to support weight gain. BVCS meals are frequently the only food that the students receive.

How You Can Help

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Sustainers provide funding to educate, nourish, and support for children attending Beyond the Vision Community School in Tassia Slum, Nairobi, Kenya.

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Vitalizers provide support for the general funds of BVF. Their donations are used where needed most.


Visionaries provide funding for projects, infrastructure, and growth.

© 2025 by Beyond Vision Foundation

Beyond Vision Foundation (BVF) is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We partner with Beyond the Vision Initiative (BVI) and Beyond the Vision Community School (BVCS) to feed, educate, and provide scholarships for impoverished children in the Tassia Slum of Nairobi, Kenya.

"‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’"

Matthew 25:40

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