Life in Tassia Slum is poverty stricken so the parents and students have no way to pay for their own education and few options to access education. Beyond Vision Foundation provides education at the community school and scholarships to send BVCS graduates to secondary school and college. Beyond the Vision Community School provides education at no cost to the student or their parents.
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Community School
"We follow the curriculum as guided by the government and our children are able to enjoy normal learning just like any other school."
Jackline Musyoka (pictured), founder of BVCS and BVI.
Beyond Vision Foundation's goal is to provide education for the children of the Tassia Slum at Beyond the Vision Community School.
BVCS primary and junior secondary schools prepare students for the National Entrance Exams for secondary school.
BVCS employs qualified teachers and the curriculum meets the standards for Kenyan primary school education.

The Kenyan Government does not have public schools in informal settlements like the Tassia Slum.
Tassia children are denied education and have no money for tuition to private school.

The main topics covered are English, Mathematics, Christian Religious Education, Social Studies, Swahili, and Science.
The community school facilities are located in the Embakasi neighborhood of the Tassia slum. The school property was purchased by Beyond Vision Foundation and is held in trust by our Kenyan nonprofit partner, Beyond the Vision Initiative.

BVCS connects students with their peers and provides a safe and nurturing environment.
BVCS has a Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) program to encourage reading.

I instruct you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths.
When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble.
Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life.
Proverbs 4:11-13

Secondary School
Kenyan Secondary Education is government subsidized but parents are expected to pay more than 50% of the cost.
BVCS parents cannot afford the cost so BVF Sponsors provide scholarships to ensure opportunity for BVCS students.

Kenya's secondary schools have an admission rate of 53% to 75%.
National Entrance exams are held in November and students must achieve good grades to be admitted to secondary school.
Kenyan secondary school has 4 tiers: National School, County School, Sub-County School, and Extra-County School.
National School only admits A students.
BVCS students have tested into National Schools.

BVCS requires that scholarship beneficiaries attend mandatory mentoring sessions before and during their secondary school education.
Scholarship beneficiaries are inducted into an ambassador program. BVCS ambassadors act as Teacher's Assistants at BVCS, perform community service, and mentor their younger peers at BVCS.

Students who successfully complete secondary school and wish to go to college sometimes receive scholarships to attend college from their initial sponsor.
BVCS college students are known for being highly motivated. They work hard and often take student leadership positions. They know where they're coming from and do their best to change their lives.
Earning a college degree completely changes their work prospects and provides immense amounts of opportunity.

Faith. Class of 2022. Economics & Statistics.
Former BVCS student and scholarship beneficiary.

BVCS offers extra-curricular clubs and activities to enrich the lives of students.
BVCS Clubs Include
Drumming Club
Chess Club
Religious Studies Club
Music Club

The BVCS Drama Club is pictured on the left.
The BVCS Chess Club is pictured on the right. The BVCS Chess Club has competed at Chess Nationals and performed extremely well.